Have you been thinking it might be time to buy silver coins yet aren’t 100% sure? Are you researching buying gold but are thinking about waiting? That’s understandable. Investing in gold and silver is a step forward, a way to protect your finances. Naturally, you want to do all of the necessary research before doing so. However, there are many threats that could potentially cause even greater harm to the economy. Diversifying your retirement and protecting your wealth now, with silver and gold, can protect you from the worst. 

The Price of Oil 

No matter where you live in the United States, the odds are, unfortunately, quite high that your gas prices have gone up. Just recently, crude prices are racing towards $100 a barrel with no real signs of slowing down. This is due to any number of factors: as supply gets lower due to Russia as well as OPEC cutting products, the price continues going up and may not stop. 

Interest Rates on the Rise 

Interest rates are, for many, higher than they’ve been in the last two decades. Worse, these rates are considered by many to be raised in December. These interest rates, as they go higher and higher, make it less likely for equity markets to continue going up themselves. As such, this increases the likelihood that the stock market will go down. 

That’s where silver and gold can help. By having assets like gold and silver in your portfolio, you won’t be at the mercy of the stock market downturn nearly as much as others would be. Through this, you can be in a better position to come out with your wealth intact. 

Governmental Problems 

As of this writing, the most recent government shutdown may have been avoided but that is certainly no guarantee that the next will be. Even just the serious threat of a lockdown can be enough to take a significant toll on consumer confidence, make the market more volatile, and cause businesses to reduce their investments

The Unforeseen 

In a short period of time, student loan payoffs will resume. Now that student loan holders have to pay these again, consumer spending will most likely take a terrible tumble.  The UAW strike continues, causing car prices to skyrocket and costing the economy billions. These are just the threats we know about to the economy right now. No one knows what’s yet to come. 

Buy Silver Coins

Buy Silver Coins and Gold Today for Your Protection 

The above isn’t said to scare you. Rather, it’s to make sure that you’re prepared. As concerning as all of these threats can be, there is a way to be prepared for them, to be able to weather what storms may come. With gold and silver, you’ll have real, tangible assets, that, when the rest of the economy tends to go down, they tend to rise. 

To get started or to see how buying gold and silver can work to protect your investments, schedule an appointment through our site.