As the idea of central bank digital currencies builds momentum, are you looking for more ways to protect your savings? Are you aware of the potential security threats to your digital dollar that these constitute? In the event of central bank digital currencies-related confiscation (CBDC), there’s only so much you can do… unless you have a portion of your wealth in physical gold and silver. That way, you can be protected against confiscation and other threats in a variety of ways. 

Your Savings, Your Financial Independence 

Digital infrastructures, even the strongest, most powerful ones, can fall. They can fail. When they do, they can take your assets with them. Tangible assets, however, ones that you can hold your hands, like gold and silver, aren’t dependent upon any digital infrastructure. They can’t be “deleted,” nor can they “fail,” “be erased,” and so forth. They remain as secure as they are accessible, keeping you in control of your wealth. No cyberattack, for example, is going to be able to remove gold from your hand. Real tangible assets equals real wealth in any era. 

Safety from Governmental Interference 

As central bank digital currencies become more common, so too can governmental surveillance even financial transaction control. By engaging with these digital currencies, you’re essentially inviting the government to be involved. When you have assets that you can hold, such as silver and gold, you retain your privacy. No one is going to be able to take control of something that you hold in your hand. They won’t be able to confiscate it from your digital account without your consent or knowledge. Having real, tangible assets significantly reduces the risk of government interference. 

Real Value, Real Diversification 

By diversifying your portfolio, you can better manage the risks against it. The less money you have in certain banks, the less likely you are to lose that money should the bank fall. The less digital currency you have, the less likely you are to be a victim of having that digital currency hacked, confiscated, and so forth. 

That’s not to say that you should have none of the above, but, by having gold, silver, and other precious metals in your portfolio, you can keep your wealth from being exposed to a wide range of risks, thus increasing the possibility that you’ll be protected come what may. 

Digital Dollar

Hedge Against More Than Just Central Bank Digital Dollar Confiscation 

For some years now, people have used gold and silver to protect against digital dollar confiscation, yes. But, for even longer than that, wise investors have used gold and silver as a hedge against inflation, as protection from stock market downturns, as a way to have an asset that rises when so many others fall, etc. 

Here at Certified Silver Reserve, we can help you to protect your wealth, too. Our experienced counselors can guide you through the process, providing you with all the guidance you need to protect your wealth today and in the future, too.