Are you worried about the value of the US dollar? Does it feel as if economic instability has weakened the dollar as well as so much else? As financial markets fluctuate wildly, the dollar (as well as other forms of fiat currency) can depreciate in value. During these times, it becomes all that much more important to have assets that you can rely on. These are just some of the reasons that many buy gold tax free from our team at the Certified Silver Reserve. 

How Fiat Currency Erodes 

Fiat currency isn’t, for lack of a better phrase, “set in stone.” The reason paper currencies (such as the dollar, etc.) have the value that they do is because of the trust and confidence that an issuing government has placed in them. But, during times of inflation, economic instability, and more, governmental policies can weaken paper currencies, eroding them significantly. That makes it difficult to preserve your wealth. By having gold and silver, however, you give yourself the best chance to be able to navigate these challenging times, to be able to preserve your wealth no matter what. 

The Liquidity of Gold and Silver 

There are many assets that, no matter how much they might be worth in one area, are significantly less tradeable in another. Physical silver and gold, on the other hand, are highly liquid assets. They can be traded readily in markets all over the globe. In this context, that liquidity makes them all the more valuable, all the more helpful. Consider: when crisis strikes, when economies tank, you can take that gold or silver and, quickly and easily, convert them into cash as well as many other assets. As such, you’ll have something that can protect you even when situations become more dire. 


Buy Gold Tax Free

An Actual Safety Net 

As the US dollar falls and falls, there’s nowhere that many can go. They only have the US dollars in their wallets, in their accounts. As such, everything in their portfolio is tied to the dollar. When it drops, they drop along with it. As they have their wealth in no other assets, their fate is tied solely to the one asset. If you have gold and silver, however, then your portfolio is diversified. As the dollar drops, gold and silver may very well rise in value. It certainly has in the past, in the time of stock market crashes and more. By diversifying your portfolio, you give yourself the best chance of success moving forward. 

Buy Gold Tax-Free With CSR 

It’s entirely possible that you’re interstate in buying gold and silver to help your portfolio but aren’t exactly sure where to start. That’s where we can come in. Here at Certified Silver Reserve, we have helped so many who are in the position that you are right now. Our team of experts can help to guide you to the right investment choices. Schedule a meeting through our site or call.