Has inflation been eroding your wealth? Has it felt like there’s nothing you can do against inflation? Inflation leaves so many of us feeling powerless, as we watch prices rise and rise and rise. Here at Certified Silver Reserve, we’ve helped so many to be able to keep inflation from ruining their finances. How? Through gold and silver. For many years and for many reasons, gold and silver have each been a particularly strong way of staying ahead of inflation

Seeking Safety 

In desperate times, people seek safety. They turn to something they know they can rely on. That’s certainly true for their finances. Gold and silver have always been popular, but they become more popular when the inflation rate tends to exceed interest rate increases. As the dollar decreases in value, people want something that they know will maintain its value, that won’t drop like the dollar. Gold and silver tend to be stable, even increasing in times of economic strife. By protecting yourself with gold and silver today, you may very well be better prepared for tomorrow. 

Historic Hedge Against Inflation and Other Problems 

Gold tends to also rise when the stock market goes down. In the last four decades, studies have shown that during a majority of the largest stock market crashes, the price of gold has risen. That means that as everything else falls, as a stock market crash, quite literally, erases so much wealth, gold actually becomes more lucrative. This is why gold is such an effective hedge. You aren’t at the mercy of the stock market, nor the economy, or anything like that. Rather, you’re in control. By having gold, you and your portfolio are strong against that which takes the finances of others. 

Staying Ahead of Inflation

Who Should Buy Gold 

There’s a common misconception that only those who have been working for decades should buy gold. They certainly can (gold and silver can be great for diversifying a retirement portfolio) but younger people, in their 20s and 30s, very well could benefit from investing in gold now, too. For starters, they have many years ahead of them to save for retirement, yes. Gold and silver can make for a great starting point. As a result of that, they can withstand more risk perhaps. Having something as stabilizing as gold and silver in your portfolio could be beneficial no matter what happens over the next few years. 

Certified Silver Reserve By Your Side 

It’s entirely possible that you’ve read to this point and thought: “OK, I know that gold and silver could help my portfolio, could protect against inflation, all of that. But, where do I get started?” That’s where we can help. Here at the Certified Silver Reserve, we have experienced, professional staff who are ready to help. At our site, you can schedule a time to talk to our experts. During that meeting, they’ll go over your portfolio, your goals, and see exactly how we can help you to protect your finances. Schedule today.